California Appeals Lawyer: Appellate Litigation & Appeals Attorney in Los Angeles
The Court Has Decided Your Case. Now What?
If you’re a defendant and did not succeed at trial, an appeal with the help of appellate attorneys could provide relief. And if you did succeed, the other side will probably challenge that outcome. Either way, you might need appellate counsel — a certified appellate lawyer/specialist to help you with the appeal process.
As you needed a specific attorney for your trial, you need one for your appeal. Trials depend on the oral skills of an appeals attorney. However, appeals depend on written pleadings submitted to a panel of appellate justices. To prevail on appeal, you, therefore, need an appellate lawyer or counsel who can provide a different skill set and a fresh perspective.
As the Court of Appeal has observed, “[T]rial attorneys who prosecute their own appeals… may have ‘tunnel vision.’ Having tried the case themselves…. They may lose objectivity and would be well served by consulting and taking the advice of disinterested members of the bar, schooled in appellate practice.” (Estate of Gilkison (1998) 65 Cal. App.4th 1443, 1449-1450, emphasis added.)
You wouldn’t hire a dermatologist to perform cardiac surgery or ask Mike Trout to pitch. You need an appellate specialist to handle your legal case!
Why You Need Appellate Attorney Mitchell Keiter
Mitchell Keiter, an appellate lawyer, is one of the 290. He has practiced appellate law from every angle, in civil and criminal appeals cases, for appellants and respondents, for the prosecution and the defense. As a law professor, he taught evidence, criminal law and procedure, and appellate advocacy.
His work as an appellate counsel has been cited by several appellate courts & state supreme courts across the country, scholars around the world, and the Victoria, Australia Parliament.
Closer to home, appeals attorney counsel Keiter worked as a Chambers Attorney at the California Supreme Court, where he drafted dozens of opinions in civil and criminal cases and saw firsthand how the Appellate Court selects and reviews its caseload.
The 290 appellate litigation specialists in California — and the much smaller number who have California Supreme Court experience — almost always work at large firms, with large overhead expenses, which the client must ultimately pay. Keiter Appellate Law is different. It provides Supreme Court and appeal case experience and expertise, but at much lower cost.
Contact our appeals lawyers in Los Angeles, California, and see how we can help you with your civil or criminal case.
Certified Appeals Lawyer for Defendants in Beverly Hills, California
Certified Appeals Lawyer in Beverly Hills, California
Meet the keiter appellate law team

The State Bar's Board of Legal Specialization recognized Keiter Appellate Law as a Certified Appellate Specialist in 2010, one of only 290 statewide.
Keiter Appellate Law Group is different. We provide the legal expertise available at large firms. But without pricey sculptures and office space, we can help you for less.

There are over 250,000 attorneys in California, but only 290 are Certified Appellate Law Specialists. Most of these fine appellate lawyers in California work at large firms with high overhead. These appeals attorneys have beautiful offices and artwork — for which their clients pay handsomely.
Keiter Appellate Law filed 10 different documents, amounting to 350 pages of briefing.